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Truck Accidents

A truck on a highway

Florida Truck Accident Attorneys

We Stand Up Against Truck Companies & Insurers

The sheer size and weight of vehicles like 18-wheelers and dump trucks can turn what could be a minor motor vehicle collision into a fatal crash. As a result, commercial truck drivers and companies are held to strict regulations designed to prevent devastating accidents.

Unfortunately, trucking companies and drivers sometimes violate these rules, putting profits over public safety. Trucking companies often deny liability and aggressively defend their actions when these types of incidents occur.

At Gibbons and Gibbons, we understand trucking regulations and are experienced at conducting investigations and the specialized discovery designed to properly determine the liability of the companies and their drivers. We assist truck accident victims and their families and help them obtain the compensation they deserve for the losses they have suffered.

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Florida, or if you have lost a loved one in such a tragedy, we will advocate for your rights. Don’t go up against a big insurance company by yourself. These companies are not on your side. Our attorneys have more than 37 years of combined legal experience, and we know how to push insurance companies to settle quickly and fairly — and when they fail to do so, we take them to court.

We represent truck accident victims and their families throughout Florida. We have even represented truck accident victims whose accidents occurred outside the State of Florida. We know how to find the best local attorney we can partner with to bring your case before the most favorable jury in the best jurisdiction possible to ensure we maximize your settlement. Once, E. Lynn and Katelynn Gibbons secured a $4,000,000.00 settlement for a client who was seriously injured and, unfortunately, lost her 97-year-old mother in a collision caused by the negligence of a commercial truck driver in the State of Georgia. However, the suit was filed by expert local counsel in Philadelphia, PA, because it was determined that Philly was the best possible venue for the facts of this case. Although no amount of money will ever make up for this tragic loss, this client considers Lynn and Katie to be her angels to this day because they both were by her side and compassionately led her through this complicated litigation process until they put the most that they could in their client’s pocket.

Schedule A Free Legal Consultation | Pay Nothing Until We Win

At Gibbons and Gibbons, we never charge for initial legal consultations. If we represent you in your truck accident case, we will not charge you any legal fees unless we win compensation for you. Schedule a consultation with a Florida Statewide truck accident attorney by filling out this contact form or calling our law office at 727-633-0000.

Anchored in Justice, Sailing Towards Your Compensation

Two wavy lines

Our Family Will Have Your Back In Rough Seas

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Live out of state? Not a problem - we can represent you for your Florida accident.